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All Your Base: All your base belong to us....
Am I Hot or Not: The original. Addictive.
Computer Stupidities: Computer users from hell
Dilbert.com: Dilbert!
GRC and DOS: Fascinating account of a DOS attack and the consequences... Not really trivia.
Hollywood Police: Not exactly trivia - more of a smack in the face.
Hong Kong Phooey: Great flash kung-fu movie
Interface Hall of Shame: A good resource for dos and don'ts of interface design (and a good laugh to boot).
Ouchy the Clown: Just in case I'm ever in San Francisco and need the services of a dominatrix clown... (could happen).
Pick the Hottie: Varient on Am I Hot - equally addictive, god help me.
Sheepcull: Kill the sheep, save the UK tourist industry
SodaPlay Constructor: Build weird robots
Stereo MPs: Dancing politicians - very funny
Superkaylo: SuperKaylo - Charlie Booker's online comic
Teletubbies Must Die: Teletubbie fun - not for kiddies!
The Onion: Satirical online newspaper
Theseus and the Minotaur: An infuriating maze that I still haven't managed. Driving me bloody mad.
World Trade Centre - Ian McEwan: Moving and eloquent piece by Ian McEwan about the attack on the World Trade Centre.
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